Rabu, 09 November 2011

2NE1 [Profile & Pic ]

2NE1 memulai debut mereka dengan MV “Lollipop” bersama Big Bang (senior mereka di YG Entertainment) walaupun sebenarnya ada member 2NE1 yang lebih tua dibandingkan member Big Bang. Album pertama 2NE1 berjudul “FIRE”
Buat yang seneng banget ama Girl Band yang satu ini……. Ini dia Profil mereka~

Nama Asli: Lee Chae Rin
Posisi: Leader, Rapper, Vocal
Tanggal Lahir: 6 Februari 1991

Nama Asli: Park Bom
Posisi: Main Vocal
Tanggal Lahir: 24 Maret 1984

Nama Asli: Park Sandara
Posisi: Vocal
Tanggal Lahir: 12 November 1984
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris dan Filipino

Nama Asli: Gong Min-ji
Posisi: Rapper, Vocal
Tanggal Lahir: 8 Januari 1994

Fakta Lucu 2NE1~

  1. Awal 2007 merupakan tahun dimana CL mulai bergabung dengan YG entertainment.
  2. CL lebih dikenal sebagai “Si Misterius 16 tahun”, apalagi ketika ia menyumbangkan suaranya dalam intro lagu “Hot issue” milik Big Bang.
  3. Debut perform CL dilakukan bersama dengan personil dr YG family pada acara SBS Gayo Daejun (SBS music awards) di akhir tahun 2007.
  4. Pada awalnya, CL seharusnya melakukan debutnya sebagai solo dance singer, tapi akhirnya malah diputuskan untuk membentuk grup bernama “2NE1” yang beranggotakan 4 orang.
  5. Pihak YG mengatakan bahwa “CL has talent in singing, dancing, and also has charisma to the point that I find high probability in her becoming a next generation star”.
  6. Sebelum bergabung dalam 2NE1, sandara park sebenarnya sudah terkenal dalam dunia entertaiment.
  7. Sandara Park sering muncul dalam acara televisi, film, dan bahkan pernah memiliki beberapa single di Filipina.
  8. Meskipun ia lahir sebagai orang korea, namun ia pindah ke filipina saat ia masih berumur belia, oleh sebab itu, ia sangat fasih dalam berbicara dalam bahasa tagalog dan inggris.
  9. Sandara mulai terkenal sejak tahun 2004, saat ia mengikuti sebuah acara pencarian bakat di ABS-CBN. Meskipun, ia tidak medapatkan juara pertama, namun ia tetap terkenal di filipina. Namun akibat ketidakaktifannya selama beberapa bulan yang disebabkan ia sempat pergi ke korea untuk melanjutkan kuliah, membuatnya mendapatkan respon yang dingin. Sejak saat itu ia memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan YG.
  10. YG sendiri menerima Dara sebagai trainee pada saat itu, dikarenakan mereka melihat potensi yang dara miliki dalam acara KBS documentary. Kemudian Sandara sekeluarga pun memutuskan untuk pindah dan menetap di Korea.
  11. 2 Agustus 2007, Sandara menandatangani kontrak dengan YGE.
  12. YG mengatakan bahwa “If the other members are like meat soup, which has been boiling for a long time, Park Sandara is like the salt (which spray on top)”.
  13. Awal karir dari Park Bom dimulai semenjak ia memutuskan untuk absen dari bangku kuliahnya di Berklee College of Music in US dan memilih untuk menjadi seorang entertainer.
  14. Park Bom membutuhkan waktu tiga tahun untuk dapat diterima oleh YGE sebagai trainee.
  15. Bom sudah mengikuti training dengan YGE sejak tahun 2005 dan dijadwalkan akan melakukan debut sebagai solo singer dan akan meriliskan single pertamanya pada Maret 2007.
  16. YGE memutuskan untuk memutar haluan dengan memasukkan Bom sebagai salah satu personil 2NE1.
  17. Pada awalnya Bom dikenal sebagai R&B Pop Singer, namun ketika ia mempertunjukkan kemahirannya dalam menari di sebuah iklan milik Samsung “Anystar”, ia kemudian lebih dikenal sebagai dance singer.
  18. Kemahiran Minji dalam melakukan gerakan menari mengejutkan pihak YGE, bahkan memberikan ia julukan “Briliance” (bakatnya ia dapatkan dari nenek nya yang merupakan penari terkenal bernama Gong Okjin).
  19. Minji bergabung dengan YGE sejak berumur 6 tahun.
  20. Awalnya minji dijadwalkan akan melakukan debut pertamanya bersama May Doni (mantan YG trainee) di jepang, namun hal ini tidak terwujud disebabkan May Doni memutuskan untuk pindah label.
  21. Sedikit hal seputar diri Minji yang dikutip dalam Minji Cyworld :
    “Aku suka melakukan/ mecoba hal-hal baru. Aku membayangkan Kebebasan seperti langit dan berwarna pink?? Aku suka hal-hal yang lucu. Aku benci memikirkan hal-hal yang tidak dapat dilakukan; aku ini keras kepala/ gigih saat sedang bersaing. Aku suka membaca dan ketika aku sedang mulai membaca maka akan sulit untukku berhenti. Aku tidak suka hal-hal yang sulit dan membingungkan; aku suka hal yang tersusun rapi dan terkadang aku berpikir sendiri. Aku suka merencanakan sesuatu dan memimpikan rencana tersebut akan terwujud. Aku suka memberi dan itu membuat ku senang ketika melihat senyum orang-orang yang menerima pemberianku tersebut. Sepintas aku terlihat seperti pribadi yang kuat tapi justru aku sering merasa kesakitan karena aku masih muda, dan aku lebih suka merahasiakan perasaan tersebut. Tapi ada kalanya perasaanku memuncak saat kesabaran itu sudah tidak bisa lagi ku tahan. Walaupun ini merupakan waktu yang sulit bagiku, aku akan melanjutkan hidupku dengan rasa bahagia. Aku tahu bahwa waktu berjalan dengan sangat cepat, dan aku tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa apabila aku tidak berjalan cepat. Waktu, gairah, dan upaya adalah hal yang penting untuk dapat mecapai tujuan. Aku mencoba untuk tidak melupakan TUHAN yang menciptakan aku….. INI LAH AKU ”.
  22. 2NE1 Wins and Awards :
  23. April Cyworld Song of the Month – Big Bang and 2NE1′s Lollipop
    May Cyworld Song of the Month – 2NE1′s Fire
    May Cyworld Rookie of the Month – 2NE1
    090614 SBS Inkigayo #1 Fire: Watch
    090621 SBS Inkigayo #1 Fire: Watch
    090717 KBS Music Bank #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090723 Mnet M!Countdown #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090724 KBS Music Bank #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090726 SBS Inkigayo #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090731 KBS Music Bank #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    July Cyworld Song of the Month – 2NE1′s I Don’t Care
    090802 SBS Inkigayo #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090806 Mnet M!Countdown #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090807 KBS Music Bank #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090809 SBS Inkigayo #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090813 Mnet M!Countdown #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090814 KBS Music Bank #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    090827 Mnet M!Countdown #1 I Don’t Care: Watch
    2009 Mnet 20′s Choice: Hot New Star – 2NE1: Watch
    2009 Mnet 20′s Choice: Hot CF Star – Big Bang & 2NE1: Watch
    2009 Mnet 20′s Choice: Hot Online Song – Fire: Watch
    090919 2009 6th Asia Song Festival: Best Asian Newcomer’s Award
    091111 2009 Style Icon Awards: Female Artist Hot Icon Award
    091121 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Music Portal Mnet Award
    091121 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Best New Female Artist Award
    091121 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Best Music Video Award
    091121 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Song Of The Year (I Don’t Care) Award
  24. Honorable Mentions
    2009 GQ Awards: This Year’s Stage, This Year’s Album, This Year’s Song

(Fan Account) TOP Big Bang Menyelamatkan Gadis Yang Sedang Diperkosa

(Fan Account) TOP Big Bang Menyelamatkan Gadis Yang Sedang Diperkosa

Seharusnya saya menulis ini pada waktu yang lalu tapi tidak ada tempat untuk meng-upload pada saat itu, jadi itulah mengapa saya menulis di Naver sekarang.
Hal ini terjadi beberapa waktu lalu … Saya tidak mengada2 . Jika kalian merasa tidak yakin, tolong abaikan ini dan tidak menulis komentar.

 Saya sekarang berusia 26 tahun. Itu terjadi pada tahun 2006 ketika Big Bang memulai debutnya .
Mereka yang tinggal  di Sinsa-dong tahu bahwa  ada perempatan besar di Caffe Bene . Saya menerima bantuan Top-ssi disana … dia telah menyelamatkan hidup saya. Meskipun agak terlambat tapi kalian mungkin dapat mengetahuinya sekarang, jadi itu sebabnya saya menulis ini .
 Pada waktu itu, saya ingin menyeberangi persimpangan. Saya memakai headphone dan saya sedang SMSan dengan teman saya jadi saya hanya berkonsentrasi pada ponsel saya. Saat saya menyeberang jalan, seorang pria menepuk bahu saya, jadi saya membuka headphone saya . Dia tampak seperti berada diusia 20-an . Tiba2 dia mengatakan bahwa dia harus mengatakan sesuatu kepada saya dan mengatakan kami telah bertemu beberapa kali sebelumnya. Dia mengatakan banyak omong kosong dan menyeret saya pergi dengan pegangan yang kuat.
Jika Kalian berjalan sedikit lebih jauh dari persimpangan, ada toko camilan di sepanjang jalan2 (sebelah tempat2 makan jalanan). Dia menyeret saya  … Saya sangat takut dan tubuh saya lemah , ketika diseret sepanjang jalan.
Setelah itu ia menarik saya ke sudut di lorong, ia segera meletakkan tangannya ke mulut saya. Saya terlalu takut … Saya kehilangan energi saya. Bagaimana mungkin seorang gadis melawan  seorang pria yang dua kali ukuran tubuhnya? Saya mencoba menggunakan energi yang saya dapatkan dari minum susu tapi saya berpikir percuma bahwa tidak ada yang bisa saya lakukan. Pada saat itu, ia membuka pakaian saya dan meletakkan tangannya ke celana saya. Saya sangat takut karena saya merasa jijik. Saya tidak bisa melawan dia pergi dan saya hanya bisa menangis dan menderita karena itu.
Tiba2 saya mendengar suara seorang pemuda. Dia bertanya, “Apa yang kamu lakukan?”Dan kemudian saya berpikir bahwa seseorang telah datang untuk menyelamatkan saya. Saya menggunakan semua kekuatan saya dan mendorong laki2 brengsek itu dari saya tetapi ia memiliki keberanian untuk mengatakan bahwa “dia pacar saya … berpikirlah sendiri #$@%@#$@.”
Saya mengatakan kepada pemuda itu untuk pertama kalinya bahwa pria itu adalah  bajingan. Saya menjerit dan menangis saat saya mengatakan kepada pemuda itu bahwa saya sedang diperkosa. Pemuda itu berkata kepadanya, “kamu harus bertindak sesuai usia kamu , Mengapa Kamu melakukan hal2 seperti itu?.” Dia kemudian menarik tangan saya dan membawa saya ke persimpangan yang sama. Saya benar2 tersentuh. Saya masih tidak tenang setelah apa yang terjadi … semua yang saya lakukan hanyalah gemetar tak terkendali karena saya masih takut. Pemuda itu berkata dengan hangat, “Kamu jangan takut apa2. sekarang selalulah berjalan di tempat yang ramai …. Sudah ada insiden serupa di gang belakang..” Setelah itu, dia membawa saya kedekat rumah saya. Ya, bahwa pemuda tampan itu adalah  TOP-ssi Big Bang.
 Meskipun ia lebih muda dari saya tapi saya benar2 ingin mengucapkan terima kasih. Mungkin kamu membaca ini sekarang? Kk … terima kasih banyak .. Saya telah memperhatikan kegiatan kelompokmu dan saya juga bergabung dengan klub penggemarmu. Saya harus berterima kasih karena keberanianmu yang meyelamatkan noona . Saya juga telah mengatakan kepada teman2 saya tentang tindakan keberanianmu ini.  TOP Big Bang  menyelamatkan saya di waktu yang sudah lama. Saya selalu mendengarkan lagumu …  bekerja keraslah dan terus membuat musik. Setiap kali ada konser, saya akan ada di sana. Dari lubuk hati saya, saya benar2 berterima kasih – Choi Seung-hyun
Catatan: Jika kalian mencari kata yang terkait dengan insiden ini ada banyak hasil lebih dari ini di situs lain dan blog.

Source: http://blog.naver.com/forg_d + http://bit.ly/oJnaBP
Translation: jwalkervip.tumblr.com 
(Source: jwalkervip)
indo trans : kimtae@yeppopo



Selasa, 08 November 2011

Gath NamHanA! (lanjutan)

............ awalnya Dori oppa gak mau disuruh kaya gitu, tapi dipaksa2 sama yang lain juga dan akhirnya dia lakuin OMO!! hahahaha. abis Dori oppa dihukum yaudadeh kita semua makan siang, gue makan disamping Elven oppa loh huakakaka-_-v sembari makan kita diliatin foto2 NamHanA pas masih jadul2 bgt haha, aib bgt foto2nya tp cakep2 ;;)

Abis makan acara dilanjutin, kalo gak salah acara apa gitudeh lupa namanya, serudeh acaranya kocak juga haha,  abis itu acara selanjutnya NamHanA nyanyi masing2 sambil ngasih bunga mawar sama orang yang beruntung. Yang dapet bunga itu Inggrid dari Deddy oppa, Jatul dari Dori oppa, Maria dari Elven oppa, gue? ngenes wkwk. terussss abis acara ini ya bikin sakit hati bgtbgtbgtan, acara ngegombal wey-__- parahnya sih Elven oppa milih Maria lagi buat dia gombalin, taugak? sakit bgt woy wkwk. abis acara ngegombal yaudah NamHanA nyanyi lagi *kalogaksalah* gue lupa urutan acaranya.-.V

Kurang lebih 7 jam kali ya acaranya, sebelum pulang gue foto2 dulu sama anggota NamHanA;;)

nih fotonya:

abis deh ceritanya hahahahaha. sebenernya kurang lengkap ceritanya soalnya gue lupa lupa inget haha. mian!~
~ Gomawo ~

Senin, 07 November 2011

Gath NamHanA!

Minggu *lupa bulan lupa tanggal* 2011
gue, jatul, inggrid janjian di depan warnet deket 179jhs jam 9 pagi buat dateng gath NamHanA. setelah kita ketemu didepan warnet itu yaudah kita jalan ke gedung mana gitu, sempet bingung dan hampir nyasar. Yaudah lanjut aja ya ceritanya udah nyampe tuh ke gedungnya.

Kita bertiga masuk ke gedung itu tapi sebelum masuk kita nanya2 sama satpam nanya gath NamHanA itu dimana tempatnya, yaudah pas udah tau kita naik tuh diatas soalnya tempatnya diatas *okeiningapenting* pas gue nyampe tempat itu gue ketemu Tian, dia temen gue yang ngajak gue gath dan ngenalin gue sm NamHanA. oiya, emang pada tau NamHanA siapa? hahaha iya dia coveringnya KRY, taugak KRY siapa? gatau? DESO! *lupakan* yaudah tuh gue masuk, eh tapi si jatul sama inggid ngajak gue ke toilet dulu tuh, dia berdua dandan dulu, lah gue? diem doang ketawa2-_-v ada kali ya setengah jam di kamar mandi ckckx_x. Selesai mereka berdua dandan tuh kita bertiga duduk sambil ngeliat poster2 suju sm NamHanA, yah sama foto2 juga sih *aib* gak lama kita duduk2 akhirnya acaranya mulai tuh. Acara pertama kita semua yang dateng gath itu dibuat kelompok. untungnya gue,jatul,inggid sekelompok tp tian kagak soalnya dia panitia jadi gaboleh ikut main-_-. kelompok gue itu kebagiannya sama Dori hehe. NamHanA itu ada 3 orang Deddy, Elven, Dori ;;) mautaugak bias gue siapa? ELVENNN!!!!~~~ 
kelompok gue sama yg lain main permainan suruh nebak mv2 yg didance-in sm para pendampingnya hoho, tp kelompok gue kalah dan dori oppa dihukum deh disuruh bikin menejernya yg dia benci sampe ketawa2. tp menejernya gamau ketawa2, akhirnya menejernya nyuruh dori buka baju sambil joget2 gitudeh.

*Bersambung* pislopee!;;)


'm gonna get stronger

Geurae heyeojin gedeo joha eochapi eonjen gan neowa

Ireon iri isseosseul geogatae neon bun myeonghi iraesseul geogatae

Geureol ba eya charari jigeumin ge naji gipi sarang hage dwego naseo alji

Anheun geol da haengeuro saeng gakhae geuraeseo, I'm ok

Nae modeungeol akkim eobshi da jwosseo

Neoreul mideo giye nae modeun geol da jwosseo

Neon geugeol beoryeosseo, I gave you my everything

Geuraeseo ijen

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok

Baby without you, baby without you

Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige

Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you

Listen, everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason

Dareun namjareun mannan geoneun ibeon han beonppun iraneun

Maldo andweneun mallo bonamana tanlo nal yaegi malgo geunyang doraseo

Naega neomu apeo neoreul boneunge geuman hago shipeo
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com

Maeil maeil naneun sokgo isseosseo

Niga eotteon saraminji jocha mollasseo

Ijeneun arasseo neon sarangeul molla

Geuraeseo ijen

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok

Baby without you, baby without you

Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige

Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you

Wae naege iraeni, why, daeche naege wae geuraeni make me cry

Uriga gajyeoteon geol da beoril jeongdoro gabeochi ineun iri eoteon geon mani

Uriga hamkke haeteon shigan deuri tto hamke halsu isseoteon shigan deuri

Ashipji do anhni neoneun sang gwan eopni jigeum neon, are you ok without me

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok

Baby without you, baby without you

Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige

Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you 

Jongyu - Kisses (won’t make you preggy)

bentar-bentar gua numpang ketawa ~
haduuuuuh sumpeh ye gokil bgt ini si key disini !! wkwkwkk

aduuuh dasar anak kecil !!



Title: Kisses (won’t make you preggy)
Pairing: JongYu with Not-so-ninja! Hanchul and kangteuk
Rating: PG-13 O_o
Genre: Kids! AU, Fluff, Romance, crack?
Warning: Profanities (It’s Heechul, Yo!) mentions of MPREG, um… kissing?
 Summary: Little onew Thought he’s pregnant… wait, what?

A/N: kid! AU for my lovely unnie :Db happy belaaaaaaated b-day XD

“Yaaah, Hyuuungiieee…. Cyan I borryow the yelwlow clwayown :3?” Jonghyun baby-talked to his friend, Onew. Hoping if he used his aegyo, he can get the yellow crayon to color his sun.
“Neeeh… Just take it there…” Onew pointed with his chubby Finger.
Jong happily get the crayon and finished his drawings. He gave it back to his hyung and smiled cutely at him. “Gomawoyo, hyunggieee…. Hyungiee jjangieyoooooo :Dbb”He grinned and gave Onew both of his thumb.
Onew looked up from his drawings and smiled back. “Help me color this?” Onew asked.
“Sure! :D” Jong said and then both boys were absorbed at the coloring. They giggled occasionally. Then the drawing was finished and Onew smiled at his dongsaeng. “Gomawoyo… :-)”He said and smiled.
“Nee~~Nado saranghae~
They moved together and that caused their lips to met in a wet, loud kiss (or more like a smack of the lips… whatever)
Onew’s eyes bulged out o_O, they stood frozen before finally scrambled to their little senses and stood apart awkwardly.
“OMG YOU KISSED HIM \o/” Key shouted when he seen the boys (accidentally) kissed.
Both boys blushed hard at that >///<. onew="" knew="" what="" kisses="" are="" alright.="" he="" a="" big="" boy="" after="" all.="" his="" appa="" and="" umma="" did="" it="" all.the.time.="" already="" told="" him="" so="" can="" only="" kiss="" people="" like="" jonghyun="" good="" dongsaeng="" didn="" mind="">
“I didn’t mind… I like Jonghyunnie :’D” Onew said cutely and smiled to his dongsaeng
“B-Butt….You are going to get preggyyyyyyyyyy o_e”Key schreeched
“What o_O?”Jonghyun blinked innocently.
Onew stared at Key. “Preggyyy??? o_o”he asked and tilted his head to the left, looked like a perfect picture of innocence (asjksdsjskhskhs)
“YOU LET DINO-HEAD KISSED YOU! YOU’RE GONNA GET PREGGGYYYYYY >_>” Key shouted on top of his lungs.
“B-but why?”Onew asked.
He knew pregnant people, okay… and he knew how scary they were when they’re angry… his umma had it bad when he conceived his sister, Sulli. But he didn’t understand anything that Key just said.
“Because you kissed, you idiots…. That’s how we got babies… they didn’t appear out of nowhere -_-;;” Key said and rolled his eyes.
“Babies appear from umma’s tummy, not from kissing…”Onew said and pouted.
Key face palmed.
“You fool; it didn’t get into mummy’s tummy just like that! It appeared there because of the kissing!”
“Oh…Um… so… who would get baby in the tummy? O_Oa” Jonghyun asked and scratched his un-itchy head.
“I think onew did… HE LET YOU KISSED HIM \O/ I cant believe this kajsgh”Key said and pointed to Onew.
“M-mwo? M-me? I got b-baby in my tummy O_O” Onew asked; just to be sure. He looked innocently at his cute bulging tummy and rubbed it for good measure (he’s five for gods’ sake).
“YAH, you didn’t believe me .\__/. ?” Key glared at onew. Onew blinked back to Key innocently (a;ldjsk)
“B-but…I’m too young to have a baby…. ;A;” Onew sniffed. “A-and the baby won’t have d-daddy because I’m n-not m-married yet TAT” he said and cried.
Jonghyun hugged his cute hyung.
“Don’t worry, hyung! I’ll be responsible and marry you! Men should be responsible!” He said. After onew heard that, he stopped crying. “M-marry O_O ?” Onew asked. Too shocked to said anything else. Jonghyun nodded ecstatically.
He searched something in his pocket. Finally he found his favorite orange lollipop. He kneeled on one knee and asked his hyung like all the man he saw on his umma’s drama.
“Onew Hyung, Neol neoooommuuuu saranghae…. Narang gyorounhaejulle???” Jonghyun asked. Onew just stared at him wide eyed O_O. Then jonghyun remembered his umma always said every time he asked for something, he should say “Please” nicely (and cutely). So he coughed a bit and asked again “Hyungie, Jonghyunnie loves you veeeerrrryyyyyy much….. Will hyungie marry jonghyunnie, please? *_*” he asked onew and added his best-est puppy eyes for good measure.
Onew blushed so hard.”U-ummm…>/////
“Please? Jinki-ya? I’ll love you for ever and ever and we’ll live happily ever after with our pretty and handsome babies… so, marry me? pretty please??? >/\
“Y-yes….”Onew stammered after what seemed like eternity for Jonghyun (kids are impatient…). Jonghyun stood up and gave Onew his lollipop. He grinned to his hyung :’D. he’s glad Onew accepted him kind of quickly because his knees begun to hurt from kneeling awkwardly.
“Whooo~ we’ll have a wedding! Go take him to the big tree… I’ll spread the news and prepare the gown :Db”Key clapped and ran to search a gown (he stopped to whisper here and then, of course)
Jonghyun grabbed onew’s hand and they both walked hand in hand to the big tree in the middle of the playground. Key come back later with a bunch of kids trailing behind him. he managed to snatch a veil. But he couldn’t find any gown so he snatched a white curtain and ribbons.
“C’mere bride, let’s make u all pretty! xD You, wear this around your neck and wait :l” Key said and threw a red ribbons. Jonghyun could only stare confusedly at the ribbon. “Aha! I’ll just tie it like I tie my shoes ^o^9” he exclaimed and hurriedly tied it around his neck.
Meanwhile key dragged onew to a tree and start to pretty him up. He snatched all make-up he could find and applied it all to onew. For a four years old, he’s surprisingly good at that (don’t ask why, he just does). Onew’s milky white skin looks flawless and his lips looks reddish and luslicious because of the lipgloss key applied. Then he draped the curtains around onew’s body and somehow made it looks like it’s a decent gown (again, don’t ask how, it just does. Key is awesome like that. You shouldn’t question his awesomeness, okay? He’s THE ALMIGHTY KEY). Lastly he put the accessories and the veil.
“Omo, hyungie looks like a real bride :’D” Key said and wiped the *fake* tears.
Onew blushed “Gomawoyo -////-”      He said to key.
Key led him back to Jonghyun (somehow he could use the ribbons). Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Yesung, Luna, IU, Seohyun, and Changmin sang “Here comes the bride”. Eunhyuk, Donghae and Yunho danced to the song while Duck-Butt Junsu, Wide-Forehead Yoochun and Big-Face Jaejoong threw confetti and petals around them from the top of big tree. Jonghyun stared with jaw on the grounds. His hyung looked sooooo pretty! Prettier than anyone he’s ever seen!! He’s sooooo lucky to have his hyung as his huswife!
Onew smiled shyly at jonghyun’s awestuck stare.
“Aheem… I know you both are in love, blah blah blah” Key said as he pretended to be a priest.
Jonghyun blinked in confusion. Since when he stood there? Is he a ninja?? Jonghyun thought but Onew’s shy smile distracted him from everything. adsjhdGD he’s so pretty and cute and and and sooooooo perfect!!!! Jonghyun thought. He just couldn’t stop staring at onew! His skin sooooo white and his cheeks like apples and and his lips was red and shiny like strawberries he loved so much.
“So, Kim Jonghyun, do you take Lee jinki as your husband?” Key asked solemnly
“Yes! And I promise to love him forever and ever and I’ll never leave him no matter what”Jonghyun said and gripped Onew’s hand. Onew blushed at this and shyly ducked his head.
“Do you, Lee Jinki, take Kim joghyun as your husband?’
“Y-yes… and I’ll love him forever and ever and ever and I’ll never leave him no matter what…” He said and squeezed Jonghyun’s hand a bit. Jonghyun grinned at him :D.
“Whooo, this is the exciting part! Now you may kiss the bride~~ :D ”Key said and clapped excitedly.
Both boys blushed hard and then jonghyun took a step and pecked onew’s lips. All the audience cheered for them and they both grinned happily :DDD.
“Now I pronounced you husband and huswife…!!!! XDDD” Key said and clapped again.
Everyone congratulated him when suddenly a shout can be heard. “Okay kids! Playtime’s over, time to go home!” BoA said and the kids scrambled to their feet. They ran to their respective parents.
Jonghyun looked at onew.
“Can I walk you home? -////-.” He asked shyly
Onew smiled and nodded. And then they walked home together; Hand in hand.

Later that night in Onew’s house…

It was dinner time and His appa, Hankyung, His Umma, Heechul and his baby sister Sulli sat together on the dining room. His appa was wearing a pink frilly apron that his umma insisted him to wear while his umma sipped at his coffee moodily. His umma is a successful novelist and his appa is a dance instructor. They had their own studio downstairs although Onew was more into singing than dancing (he always tripped, to his appa’s despair)
“Tell us about you day, dear” Hankyung said as he tried to feed sulli.
“I got married today! :D” He said and grinned proudly.
Heechul spluttered his coffee everywhere.
“M-mworago?” Heechul asked, ready to cut someone.
“I got married today!” He beamed.
“With who?” His Umma asked furiously. It’s his lovely-precious-adorable five-year-old baby they’re talking about. He wouldn’t let onew marry someone until he’s 80 or something.
“My best friend Jonghyun! he lived across the street, remember?” Onew said happily. Oblivious of Jonghyun’s dangered life.
“And why did you “marry” him?” His umma asked and narrowed his eyes.
“Because, he got me pregnant!”
“He- WHAT?!?!?!” Heechul and Hankyung said simultaneously.


Jungsu aka Leeteuk was having a peaceful dinner with his Husband, Youngwoon aka Kangin and his precious baby Jonghyun when suddenly his front door being pounded by someone.
“YAH PARK JUNGSU! OPEN THE DOOR I NEED TO KILL YOUR FUCKING CHILD D:< ” Heechul screamed on top of his lungs.
Leeteuk blinked while Kangin shrugged. Finally Leeteuk get the door and faced a very furious Heechul being held thightly by Hankyung (whom his other hand held Sulli, leeteuk always wondered how he get so good at multi-tasking but that was beside the point). Onew peeked from HanKyung’s leg shyly.
“Jagiiii~ Jonghyun said and called Onew. Onew blushed from hearing such endearments while Heechul looked positively murderous.
“What’s up, hyung?” Kangin asked.
“It’s Kim Jungsu, and you should call me hyung…”Leeteuk said.
“Wait, what actually happened 0_0a?” Kangin asked.
Hankyung managed to shut Heechul’s mouth before any profanities thrown out anymore and Leeteuk stared at them amusedly.
“Why don’t y’all get in first and tell me what actually happened?” Leeteuk said.
Hankyung nodded franctically and somehow managed to get Heechul and Sulli in. While Onew entered the room together with Jonghyun; hand in hand. Jonghyun was being stared murderously by Heechul D8< seriously, if stare could kill, then Jonghyun was already dead so many times over and over again. Yet jonghyun only beamed at him :D. And Heechul felt like strangling him. DDD8
“So… what happened? Leeteuk asked to his child.
“Um… I got Onew pregnant… and onew cried because the child wouldn’t have father. I got him so I should take responsibility like every big boy should do… so we got married! Yaaay~~ :D” He said and beamed.
Leeteuk stared at his son curiously. He learnt to tune out Heechul when he’s on rampage.
“How did you get him pregnant?”
“Ummm…. It was an accident, really…>////
“Yes, tell umma more…”
“I-I want to kiss Hyung’s cheek but hyung moved so… we… um…we accidentally kissed….-////-”Jonghyun said and blushed.
“Um… Key said he’ll get pregnant because I kissed him. so I marry him…”
“Sooo, you just kissed each other?”
“And you married him because you thought he’s pregnant because of your kiss?”
Leeteuk stifled a laugh. But he didn’t successful so in the end he just laugh freely. His special laugh rang throughout the house. Kangin roared in laughter while Hankyung stared amusedly at the boys in front of him. Heechul still look positively murderous. Well, it’s true that his baby didn’t get pregnantBUT THAT FILTHY LITTLE THING KISSED MY PRECIOUS GORGEUS SWEET WONDERFUL AMAZING BABY AND BY MY LAW I SHOULD ALREADY NINJA ASSASIN HIM! Heechul thought in distate.
“U-umma? A-appa? What’s wrong D:” Jonghyun asked. he’s afraid that his umma and appa and generally everyone behaved soooo weird. What’s so funny in his situation? It’s a seeeerriiiooouus situation,okay! Not something to laugh for…. He thought and pouted.
“Aawww aegiya… mianhae…. Umma didn’t mean to laugh but this just soooo cute!” Leeteuk said and wiped his tears.
“Eh?” Onew asked and tilted his head in confusion cutely. (Alkjdslsakdj)
“Listen, aegideul… you wont get pregnant just because of kissing…” Hankyung finally took over.
“E-EEEHHH?? O_O” Jonghyun and Onew shouted together.
“Geurae…It took a lot more than kissing to get someone pregnant” Kangin added.
“Ne, Aegiya… so don’t worry…”Leeteuk said and smiled. His left dimple showing.
“Then, I didn’t have baby in my tummy?” Onew asked his umma.
“Thank Shisus, NO” Heechul muttered.
“Oh…”Onew said and he looked a tad bit disappointed.
“It’s okay Jagi… we can always make them later when we’re old enough” Jonghyun said and hugged his Huswife.
“YAH LET GO OF MY BABY YOU PERVERT LITTLE AJDSHGSDDJAH M-MMMMPPPHHHH” Heechul shouted as Hankyung tried his best to restrain Heechul.
“So, what should we do to make babies?” Onew asked his Appa (since his umma was seated on his appa’s lap; Muttering plans to murder Kim fucking Jonghyun to his appa’s neck while his Uncle Leeteuk took care of baby Sulli)
“Ummm… come back and ask me a few years later when you’re old enough.” Hankyung said and smiled softly to his baby.
“B-but I want to know it nooowwww ;A;” Onew whined.
Leeteuk finally took the matter to his own hands. he looked at Kangin and they communicated through the eyes in a way that a steady couple could do. Finally Kangin nodded and faced the boys
“Not now my boys, now is time for ICE CREAAAMM… who wants ICE CREAM?” Kangin asked excitedly.
“I WANT A CHOCOLATE ONE!” Onew Sreamed and the three ran to the kitchen. Hankyung wiped his nonexistent sweat and began to soothe the overly worried Heechul. Leeteuk laughed and shook his head.
Heechul frowned.
“Your son better keep his penis inside his boxer when he’s near my precious baby or I swear I’ll cut the damn thing off entirely”Heechul muttered.
“Awww, just let them be…. Aren’t they cute together?” Leeteuk cooed.
Leeteuk only rolled his eyes. He finally decided to go to the kitchen with baby Suli while Hankyung comforted Heechul.
“C’mon Chul-ah… let’s grab some ice cream too. Maybe it’ll help to cool your hot head down”Hankyung said and Heechul nodded.
However when they entered kitchen, the sight made Heechul’s blood boiled more.
“YAH KIM JONGHYUN! STAY THE FUCKING WAY OUT OF MY PRECIOUS BABY YOU MOROOOONNNN” Heechul screamed when he saw Jonghyun and Onew spooned each other. Fortunately, Hankyung was there to restrain Heechul from killing Jonghyun. He finally took Heechul out and kissed him so hard that Heechul become disoriented and filled with want.
“Mmmhhh… let’s just continue this at home” Heechul whispered hotly.
“And Jonghyun?” Hankyung asked amusedly.
“I’ll deal with him later. I.want.you.NOW” Heechul said and dragged Hankyung to their home. Leeteuk heard the door closed with a slam and sighed.
“Onew, your parents said that you and Sulli should sleepover here”He said and rolled his eyes.
“Mmmkay” Onew said between a mouthful of chocolate ice cream. Leeteuk giggled when he saw Kangin, Jonghyun and Onew’s face smeared with Ice Cream.
“Should we join them too?” Leeteuk asked baby Sulli.
Baby Sulli stared at him and Leeteuk smiled.
“I guess so. Lets put you into bed then put your brothers, right, sweetheart?”
Leeteuk put baby sulli on the old cot and fetch the boys to sleep. They changed clothes, brush their teeth and finally tucked away in bed.
“Jalja aegideul~” Leeteuk said and kissed both of their forehead. He then turn the lamp off and closed the door.
Jonghyun faced onew and squints. Only the light of the moon  illuminated them now.
”Jagiii….”Jonghyun called.
“Mmm?” Onew turned and faced Jonghyun.
“We know now that you’re not pregnant…” Jonghyun trailed off.
“Mmmhmmmm” Onew said sleepily.
“Are you…. Are you still my huswife?” He asked hesitantly
Onew’s little innocent eyes snapped open fully.
“I guess so? Why? You don’t want me to be your huswife anymore?”Onew asked and pouted.
“N-NO!” Jonghyun said in panic.
“Then I’m still your huswife… now let’s sleep, I’m sleepy” Onew said and closed his eyes.
Jonghyun grinned so wide he’s afraid his face would split into two. He finally hugged his huswife and Onew cuddled to him.
“Jagii… saranghae…”Jonghyun said.
“Mmmm nado saranghae…”Onew mumbled

*miaaaaaaaaannnn ini copas kkkkkk* #PLAK-_-v